Donations FAQ

Donations FAQ

Here you can find frequently asked questions about donations.

Is my donation tax-deductible, and can I receive a donation receipt? Aab Humanitarian Association gGmbH is the organization behind the Kabul Airlift project. We are non-profit and charitable. Therefore, your donation is tax-deductible, and you can, of course, receive a donation receipt.

How do I get a donation receipt? If you donated through the donation form: In the donation form, you can select whether you want us to send you a donation receipt. If you selected Yes, you will automatically receive the donation receipt via email in the spring of the following year. If you need the donation receipt more urgently, please send us an email at
If you donated via SEPA transfer: Please note that we do not initially have your contact information for donations made via transfer, so you will not receive any further notification or confirmation of receipt. However, you are welcome to send us your contact details by email to after your donation and let us know if you need a donation receipt.

We have a larger donation campaign planned. Can we use your logo and publicly mention that we are collecting donations for you? Absolutely, we are thrilled if you organize your own donation campaign! Please make sure that you only use our logo for non-commercial purposes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

How is Aab Humanitarian Association gGmbH connected to the Kabul Airlift? From August 2021 to July 2024, the Kabul Airlift was part of the Civilfleet support e.V. family. As of July 2024, Aab Humanitarian Association gGmbH has taken over the Kabul Airlift project.

How can I cancel my recurring donation or change the amount? Just send us an email at

I have a new bank account. How can I ensure that my recurring donation is debited from my new account in the future? Email and include your new IBAN. We will create a new SEPA mandate for you, which you will need to sign and return to us, and we can then update the standing order in our system to your new account.

Will it be publicly disclosed that I am donating to Aab Humanitarian Association gGmbH? No. We are only legally required to include donors in the lobby register if a donation makes up 10% or more of our total donation volume (e.g., €200,000 in a year with a total donation volume of €2.0 million). In such cases, we must provide the full name and amount of the donation.

I want to learn more about your work! Here you can find the activity reports from Civilfleet support e.V. Aab Humanitarian Association gGmbH can only create activity reports for the second half of 2024, as the project was previously managed by Civilfleet support e.V. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at